Dr. Matthew Di Prima received his doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Since 2010, he has been working as research materials scientist at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) in the US Food and Drug Administration. His areas of research are investigating how the additive manufacturing process can affect device performance, the interplay between corrosion and durability testing, and explant analysis. Along with his research duties, he is the co-Chair of the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Working Group which is spearheading efforts across the Agency to address how advanced manufacturing technologies affects regulated medical products and is the Chair of the CDRH Additive Manufacturing Working Group which leading efforts across the Center on how additive manufacturing affects medical device performance. These efforts include guidance and standards development, device review harmonization, and performing regulatory science with the intent to foster innovative and high-quality products while maintaining they have the same safety and effectiveness that Americans have come to expect.