Motivation, curiosity and enthusiasm are attributes which might be a big advantage in a constantly changing environment. But also the base why I became a Brand Ambassador of MANN+HUMMEL. As part of this community I would like to support promoting products and solutions for a cleaner world.
On my daily business, the requirement to a prototyping center is simply to have solutions for products or technologies available which do not yet exist. Especially for these challenges, additive manufacturing technologies can be the key for success and offers many new possibilities. I’m therefore striving to have a good level of knowledge in this field and to keep an eye on potential applications.
Through many years of working in strategic purchasing, I was able to develop a pronounced cost awareness and a fluent negotiating personality. These qualities are supporting me in my current role as a department leader and in my voluntary work as executive board member of a sports club with around 1,200 members, in order to be perceived as a target-oriented but also trustful discussion partner.